Federal government: 500 million euros for private charging stations

On June 29th, the bodies decided on the second supplementary budget. The trend towards further promotion of electromobility in Germany is also clearly evident in this. Because the electric car purchase premium for e-cars and plug-in hybrids rises to 9,000 euros. But the expansion of the charging infrastructure will also continue to be boosted. To the delight of private individuals.

Funds from the “future package”

At the beginning of June, the federal government decided to invest an additional 2.5 billion euros in the expansion of modern and safe charging station infrastructure, the promotion of research and development in the field of electromobility and battery cell production, including in other possible locations. From this funding item in the “Future Package”, 500 million euros are earmarked for the expansion of the private charging infrastructure. The increased subsidy for charging points follows a draft law that was passed in the spring.

“GEIG” already decided in March

Because the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) took the first step in March and put the Bill of the Building Electromobility Infrastructure Act (GEIG) . Accordingly, when new construction or major renovations of residential and non-residential buildings are being built, parking spaces and parking spaces should be equipped with protective tubes for electrical and data lines. Soon tenants will have a legal right to a charging point. The Federal Ministry of Transport (BMVI) announced in mid-June 2020 that it would be promoting exactly this.

Expansion so far slower than planned

“The Ministry of Transport wants to support the private charging stations with half a billion euros”, confirmed a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Transport for the Reuters news agency . The 500 million can be the right signal for this. Because Germany sometimes lags behind its goals. Only 25,000 of the charging points, which should be one million by 2030, have so far been implemented. So far, 50 million euros have been earmarked for the expansion of the private charging station infrastructure. The expansion of the public charging infrastructure is also considered in the economic stimulus package: A supply requirement is to regulate that charging points are also offered at all petrol stations in Germany in the future.

Image source: Orths Medien


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